In the heart of Auvergne, between sky and mountain, meadows and forests, Sandra and Fred are welcoming you in their large hostelry with an impregnable view of the velay's mounts. In the welcoming comfort of the past, you could as you wish appreciate to relax near a majestic fire place or sharing with your hosts their passion and love for animals and meet "Hugoline' (Donkey)...
> Beautiful walks will allow you to discover during your peregrinations of fabulous historical and religious sites. You will walk the road following the steps of "Jacques de Compostelle", climbing the medieval paved streets of "Le Puy-en-Velay" along the old medieval houses from carved stones, at the foot of the magnificent cathedral. During the Renaissance fair, lovers of history will find themselves travelling in past centuries where minstrels, lords and ladies furowing the same streets of this medieval city.
Each bedroom will have a comfortable corner for your family pets. If you wish , Sandra will watch your animals while you are sightseeing the country side.
The structural site will also welcome horseback riding.